Dubrovnik is proud of its very mild Mediterranean climate with long and hot summers. October is usually one of the most beautiful months of the year for Dubrovnik when the sea is still very warm, so do not forget to take your swimming suites in case you get some free time to go to the beach.
A light jacket and shirt will be just enough for you to enjoy in Dubrovnik.
Croatia is located in the Central European Time Zone, better to say, it is 1 hour ahead of Greenwitch Mean Time (GMT +1)
Service is almost always included in hotel and restaurant bills and further tip of a few coins is appropriate. You can leave tips in case you are satisfied with a service in the restaurant, but waiter has no right to require that.
Croatian official currency is Euro (EUR).
Payments are possible in cash, as well as with credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Diners, Amex)
Electricity used in Croatia is 230 Volts / 50 Hz. A transformer is necessary for your electrical or electronic equipment if using different voltages (i.e. USA, Canada). Please make sure to bring adapters since sockets in your country may differ from those in Croatia.
Participants are strongly recommended to take out adequate cover for health, travel and private liability insurance. The organizers cannot accept any liability for loss or damage of properties, injuries, unexpected events, non-appearance of specific speakers, or program changes.
The Republic of Croatia is a member of the European Union.
The participants from particular countries are required to have a valid visa.
Please take your passport as a personal identification document even when being an EU citizen.
There is visa-free entry for citizens of most European countries.
If necessary, visas are issued by diplomatic missions of the Republic of Croatia in a given country.
The Republic of Croatia is a member of the Schengen area. Inhabitants of contractual states are
allowed to cross borders between states within this area without undergoing border controls. Still,
inhabitants of these states have the obligation to carry a passport or identity card with them.
Some countries require a visa.
Please contact your nearest Croatia Embassy or Consulate for further information or visit the website
of the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs to the link:
Visitors from non-EU Countries must possess a passport valid for at least a 3-month stay.
Participants requiring a visa should apply immediately to a consular office or diplomatic mission of
the Republic of Croatia in their country to avoid a delayed arrival to the Symposium. Please note that
the visa application procedure can take up to two months.
It is not possible to obtain a visa at the Dubrovnik Airport.
Invitation letters for short-stay visa purposes can be requested and will be issued by the Symposium Organizer upon request. Delegates requiring visas should request a visa invitation letter from the organizers at the time of registering for the event, ensuring sufficient time is left for applications to be completed.
Delegates are then responsible for contacting the relevant/appropriate embassy themselves.
The Organizers can do nothing further to assist this process.
Should you require an official letter of invitation to obtain your visa to enter the Republic of Croatia, a form will have to be filled out and sent to the Organizer.
More details about this will be announced properly and on time.
Please note that the Organizers do not undertake any obligation to pay any expenses incurred by supplying these letters. The Organizers also will not act as an intermediary between the foreign police and will not provide notarized invitation letters. Furthermore, for some countries, a confirmation of registration with payment may be required by the organizers/authorities.
The official language in Croatia is Croatian, but most of the people you meet will be able to help you by speaking English.
The official language at the Symposium is English with no possibility of simultaneous interpreting.
The satellite symposium will have the official language Croatian.
Dial number for Croatia: 00385
Police: 192
Fire station: 193
ER (Medical Emergency): 194
Hello (Good day) – Dobar dan
Good morning – Dobro jutro
Good evening – Dobra večer
Good night – Laku noć
Thank you – Hvala
I am sorry – Oprostite
Yes – Da
No – Ne
Please – Molim
By By – Do viđenja / Bog / Adio

Meet the Giants of World Neurosurgery
October, 11-13, 2024, Dubrovnik, Croatia